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Quick and Easy Spring Cleaning Checklist

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As the weather gets warmer and the sunlight highlights the dust in the air and the cobwebs in the corners, it becomes more and more apparent that your Kansas City home needs a deep cleaning. Before springing into action, take a minute to make a plan.

Tips for Spring Cleaning: Made Easy

Even if your cleaning list looms over you like a tall mountain, you can use these tactics to break the process down into manageable pieces. The benefits of spring cleaning are well worth the effort – who doesn’t love going into summer with a clean, organized home? Here are some quick and easy spring-cleaning tips to get you started.

  1. Prepare. Making a plan for your spring cleaning will help you prioritize what’s important and take it step-by-step so you don’t burn yourself out. Plan a few projects per day to keep the tasks easy. Spring cleaning can be either a restorative activity or a burden you must plow through. Go easy on yourself.
  2. Prioritize. After you have made your plan, start with the biggest problem. This way, you can make significant progress when you have the most energy.
  3. Set the schedule by room. In a similar way that breaking your goals down into steps makes them more achievable, cleaning one room at a time can help you focus on smaller tasks and manage your progress. Allow yourself to tick off each task for the room to boost your sense of productivity.

Spring Cleaning Checklist by Room

Each of these rooms needs regular cleaning to stay sparkling, but every spring, you can add these often-ignored tasks to your cleaning checklist to keep your home fresh and clean.

  • Kitchen: Beyond your regular cleaning, spray a degreaser and wipe down the oven and sink backsplashes, deep clean the oven and refrigerator, and reorganize the pantry, discarding old food and prioritizing your next meal to use food that hasn’t expired yet.
  • Living Room: To make your living room feel fresh, dust the mirrors, picture frames, and light fixtures, treat any wooden or leather furniture, and wash the curtains and upholstery. As you remove throw pillows and blankets to clean, consider replacing them with seasonal throws to add fresh color to the room.
  • Bedroom: As you spring clean the bedroom and wash all the bedding, consider adding a summer vibe to the room with a brightly-colored sheet set. Next, wash or sun-dry the pillows to freshen them up and kill dust mites. Finally, clean out your closet or under-bed storage space to declutter what you don’t use, reorganize what you do, and store your winter items for the summer.
  • Bathroom: Since it is warm and humid, the bathroom is a prime spot for bacteria and mold growth. Keep the germs in check by sanitizing the tub and shower with a deluded vinegar solution or an antibacterial bathroom cleaner. Wash the shower mat, and wash or replace the shower curtain and liner.

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Maintaining Your Home Systems

Spring cleaning is also the perfect time to make sure the systems of your home are functioning correctly. Are there any plumbing or electrical problems that need to be fixed? Are all of your safety systems operating correctly? These are a few items to add to your spring-cleaning checklist.

  • Plumbing. Inspect for leaks or water damage, clean drains, and use vinegar to clean calcium buildup on faucets.
  • Electrical. Look for damaged or darkened outlets that could indicate something is wrong behind the walls, and ensure each outlet functions properly.
  • HVAC. Get ready for air conditioning season by making sure that your HVAC system is in good shape. It’s important to have it inspected in the spring before the heat of summer and again in the fall before winter.
  • Safety. Take a moment to test and change the batteries in your fire alarm and carbon monoxide detector and check the expiration on your fire extinguisher. This is also an excellent time to make sure your home security cameras are operating properly.

Breathe Easier During Spring Cleaning

It may not only be pollen that sparks your allergies in the spring. As you dust, vacuum, and sweep your home, the dust stirs into the air and into your lungs. Spring cleaning can even leave rashes if your skin is sensitive to dust or cleaning chemicals.

To protect yourself and your family from these irritations, schedule maintenance for your HVAC and ensure you’re up-to-date on your air duct cleanings before your start cleaning to help the system clear the air quickly. If you are not sure how often you should clean your air ducts or you haven’t in the past three years, schedule an inspection for a professional ductwork cleaning. You may also consider wearing a mask and gloves while spring cleaning to protect yourself from the chemicals.

Kansas City Companies That Clean Air Ducts

As you spring clean your Missouri home, keep the dust to a minimum by maintaining your HVAC system and having your air ducts cleaned. At C.M. Mose & Son, our expert HVAC technicians offer vent cleaning and HVAC maintenance you can trust. To improve your air quality, call (816) 339-5190 or schedule service online for expert assistance.