Carbon Monoxide Testing in Kansas City
More and more homeowners are becoming aware of Carbon Monoxide (CO) detection and the dangers that an elevated CO level within a house can pose to a home and family members.
Due to changing codes for purchasing and selling a home today, you cannot do either without installing appropriate smoke detectors in a home. Although no such code exists for Carbon Monoxide detectors, it is a silent and deadly hazard for homeowners. According to the EPA there are approximately 500 deaths each year in the U.S from Carbon Monoxide poisoning and 15,000 emergency room visits because of the odorless gas. CO is produced whenever fuel of any kind (wood, natural gas, kerosene, charcoal or propane) is burned. Without proper ventilation, this hazardous, colorless gas can accumulate at grave levels.
Carbon monoxide poison symptoms
If you experience nausea or mild headaches or flu like symptoms when you are at home and these symptoms disappear when you are away from your home, you may have elevated levels of Carbon Monoxide in your home. Additionally, people living in a home with elevated CO may lose consciousness (especially while sleeping) and without immediate help or support to get out of the house, death may result. Older homeowners, 65 years of age and older, are especially prone to CO poisoning.
Manufactures recommend that you install a CO detector on every level of your home. The base minimum C.M. Mose & Son recommends is at least one by the sleeping areas of your home and one by the furnace and water heater (anything other than electric source of energy).
Carbon monoxide testing
We have the proper equipment to test your home for Carbon Monoxide, as well as CO detectors that we can install in your home. Our detectors will identify low levels of CO before they become a health threat. To be honest, the CO detectors homeowners can purchase at local retail stores are not sensitive enough to detect the low level amounts that Carbon Monoxide Detectors from C.M. Mose & Son carries for their customers.
If you want to make sure that your home is completely free of even the lowest levels of CO, call us. We will test for and install CO detection devices in your home that will detect the smallest amounts of CO in the air.
If you suspect your home may have an elevated level of CO, leave your home immediately and call or contact us right away (816) 339-5190.